As fall approaches, you’ll want to break out the pumpkin books for preschool and dive into all things fall related. From pumpkin patches to fall leaves, these books celebrate all the things we love about this season.
Preschoolers love to hear books about things that relate to what’s happening around them. Try reading a few pumpkin books before your family visits local fall festivals or pumpkin patches.
Read a book before carving jack-o-lanterns.
Remember, reading to your preschooler as often as possible is so important! Don’t miss opportunities to read something that will interest your kids.
If you’re looking for a few books about pumpkins that your preschoolers will love, here are a few of my favorites.
30 Pumpkin Books for Preschool
1. Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
Three friends gather together in an old white cabin to make pumpkin soup each night. Each friend has a job as they make soup, but one day, Duck wants to change jobs. You’ll see how this disrupts the pumpkin soup-making process, and Duck leaves the cabin angry.
2. The Roll-Away Pumpkin by Junia Wonders
Maria Little comes down the hill, yelling for help, because her giant pumpkin is rolling away. What shall she do? Maria cahses her giant pumpkin all over town and gets some help along the way.
3. Five Little Pumpkins by Dan Yaccarino
Five Little Pumpkins is an adorable pumpkin board book that uses rhymes and rhythms to help your child learn the repetition. The colors are bold, and preschoolers love to roll along with the pumpkins and their friends as they get ready for Halloween.
4. The Runaway Pumpkin by Kevin Lewis
The Baxter children harvest a huge pumpkin at the top of a hill, but then, the unthinkable happens – the pumpkin escapes and starts to roll down the hill.
What happens to a runaway pumpkin? Your preschooler is about to find out!
5. The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano
Spookeley is a pumpkin, but he isn’t a usual pumpkin – he’s a square pumpkin. People make fun of his differences, but one day, his squareness is exactly what’s needed to save the day.
6. The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Seven Kroll
This adorable book follows two mice, Clayton and Desmond, who find the same pumpkin and both want it. They take turns with Clayton caring for the pumpkin in the daytime and Desmond takes care of the pumpkin at night. They watch while this pumpkin keeps growing until it’s the biggest pumpkin ever!
7. How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? by Margaret McNamara
Mr. Tiffin brings three pumpkins into his classroom – large, medium, and small pumpkins. Then, he asks his class how many seeds are in the pumpkins, and the students have to guess. After guessing, they have to open up the pumpkins and find out.
8. It’s Pumpkin Time by Zoe Hall
In this adorable pumpkin book, a girl and her brother plant a pumpkin patch to prepare for Halloween. They work together to take care of their pumpkins until they’re ready for picking and carving.
9. Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin by Mary Serfozo
This is a classic board book that follows Peter as he searches for the perfect pumpkin that he wants. Kids love this beyond book that uses rhyming stanzas and silly wordplay to keep your preschooler’s attention.
10. Henry’s Big Pumpkin by Benjamin Skousen
Henry believes that he can grow the biggest pumpkin that his town has ever seen, but he never imagined that he could grow a pumpkin that is twice the size of his house! When he tried to move his pumpkin, he realized that it’s a bit more than he could handle.
If you’re looking for pumpkin books that are non-Halloween, this is an excellent choice.
11. Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell
Tim carves his very first jack-o-lantern and gives him the name Jack. Unfortunately, after Halloween, Jack starts to rot, so Tim puts Jack in the garden to see what happens. Then, in the spring, Tim finds a new pumpkin plant growing.
Pumpkin Jack is a preschool-friendly book about the life cycle of pumpkins.
12. Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington
Jamie plants a pumpkin seed and watches it grow. Soon, it’s ready to be carved for Halloween, and he gets to save seeds to plant again in the spring. This book is another great book that teaches kids about the life cycle of pumpkins.
13. Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin by Tad Hills
Duck and Goose look everywhere find a pumpkin like in a leaf pile and in an apple tree. Where will they find a pumpkin? This oversized board book is a fun fall book.
14. Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White
Rebecca said she would never plant pumpkins – she hates pumpkins! But, one day, a huge pumpkin falls off a truck and lands on the edge of her yard. She leaves it there, but soon, vines begin to grow, and then her yard is full of pumpkins!
Too Many Pumpkins is a classic book that kids have loved for over 20 years. It definitely deserves a space on your bookshelf.
15. How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? by Wendell Minor
Are you wondering how big a pumpkin could grow? Every year, festivals measure pumpkins from all over the country to find the biggest. Believe it or not, the 2012 record-holding pumpkin weighed over a ton!
16. The Very Best Pumpkin by Mark Kimball Moulton
Peter lives on Pumpkin Hill Farm, and his family grows pumpkins everywhere! Then, he finds a long, wandering vine where he finds one, small, lonely pumpkin that he tends daily. When the pumpkin is ready, he gives it to a special friend.
17. Splat the Cat and the Pumpkin-Picking Plan by Catherine Hapka
What preschooler doesn’t love Splat the Cat?
Splat the Cat goes to a pumpkin patch with Seymour with the goal to find the biggest pumpkin ever. When he finally finds the biggest pumpkin, he now has to figure out how to get it home.
18. Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie by Jill Esbaum
This beautiful book is part of the Picture the Seasons series, featuring beautiful photos of everyone’s favorite fall treat and all about this season.
19. The Pumpkin Patch by Margaret McNamara
Mrs. Connor’s first-grade class goes on a field trip to a pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins. Katie wants to find the most perfect pumpkin, but she ends up picking one that isn’t perfect at all – it’s too small! But, her father shows her that awesome things come in small packages.
20. Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch by Alyssa Capucilli
Here’s another Biscuit adventure to find the perfect pumpkin! Biscuit wants to find the best pumpkin during this super-fun fall outing. Don’t miss this story about everyone’s favorite little yellow puppy.
21. Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
When a town has too many pumpkins, what are they supposed to do? Jose and his brother have a mountain of pumpkins; read Pumpkin Town to see what they’re going to do.
22. We’re Going on a Pumpkin Hunt by Mary Wilcox
This pumpkin book is a great read before going trick or treating! A spooky nighttime hunt for the biggest pumpkin causes a fright and an adventure. Your kids will laugh and find out they might not be the biggest scaredy cat after all.
23. Little Boo by Stephen Wunderli
This is an adorable story about a little pumpkin seed who tries to be scary, but he scares nothing – not even snowflakes in the winter! Will he ever be scary?
It’s a great story for kids who can’t wait to grow up one day.
24. The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin by Sonali Fry
Here is a spooky twist on the “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” turning a beloved nursery rhyme into a Halloween tune.
A little pumpkin tries to find his way home with the help from a friendly witch. She helps him find his way back to his porch where there are no spiders!
25. Pumpkin Hill by Elizabeth Spurr
This is definitely one of the top adorable pumpkin books! In this book, seeds from a big pumpkin grow into an army of roly pumpkins. A huge wind sends the pumpkins off on a roll that could wake up a whole town with the rumbling!
26. A Pumpkin Prayer by Amy Parker
If you’re still looking for more non-Halloween pumpkin books, A Pumpkin Prayer takes kids through the wonders of the fall season and teaches you to be thankful for God’s blessings. Little kids celebrate the abundance of the harvest season with sweet little rhymes and illustrations.
27. P is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet by Kathy-Jo Wargin
Christian pumpkin books are adorable, and P is for Pumpkin is a great addition to your bookshelf. This book celebrates the wonders of the fall season, taking preschoolers through God’s blessings. It shows your kids how much there is to be thankful for each year.
Non-Fiction Pumpkin Books for Preschoolers
28. From Seed to Pumpkin: A Fall Book for Kids by Wendy Pfeffer
Kids and parents alike love the Let’s Read and Find Out Science series. This book teaches kids about how seeds develop into pumpkins with great visuals for learning.
29. I Pick Fall Pumpkins by Mary Lindeen
You get to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out the biggest pumpkin. This book shows little kids how pumpkins grow, the parts of a pumpkin, and how to pick them.
30. Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden by George Levenson
This story teaches kids about the circle of the garden; it’s a circle without an end. The pumpkin seeds turn into pumpkins that turn into pumpkin seeds – over and over!
As the fall leaves start to fall off the trees, make sure you add a few of these pumpkin books for preschoolers; your kids or students are sure to love these fall-inspired books.
Marissa is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and mom of three children. She started this website to help moms, teachers, homeschool parents, and therapists find resources and ideas to teach their young children and students through play-based learning.