Christmas is in the air, and your little ones are likely bursting with excitement. The Christmas season is a magical time for all ages, but there is something even more magical about a Christmas with little ones.
If your kids are anything like mine, it is likely that you are searching for activities to keep their little hands and minds busy as their excitement is building this time of year.
What better way to pass the time during the advent than with a fun Christmas activity? Your kids will delight in creating fun Christmas “treats” from start to finish.
With no oven, and very little mess required this makes the perfect activity to throw together any time you need a few minutes of quiet activity.
During this time in your kids lives they will learn so many important skills through simple, play-based activities. Allowing your children to experience new activities, tools, textures, and materials will give your child the opportunity to pick up new skills easily.
This simple Christmas activity works several key skills your toddler and/or preschooler will need as they grow and develop.
What You Will Need:
- Play Doh of varying colors
- Christmas Cookie Cutters
- Small beads, buttons, or jewels for decorating
- A tray for working (optional)
What You Will Do:
Like I said, this is a super simple activity! With very few supplies and minimal set up this activity is ideal for antsy toddlers and preschoolers who do not always want to wait!
- Gather your supplies, and set it all out on the table. It may be a good idea to have a couple of completed cutouts set out on the table for inspiration.
- Give your child a few colors of Play-Doh, and a few cookie cutters. Give them the opportunity to cut out various shapes and colors. It’s okay if your child just wants to squish and squeeze the Play-Doh for awhile!
- Once your child is satisfied with the number of cut-outs you can bring out the decorations! You can offer one or more choices for your child to choose from when decorating their Christmas cutouts.
- Allow your child plenty of opportunity to choose, pinch, and place the decorations on their cutouts. If your child is attempting to grab the decorations with their entire hand, gently guide them into using the pincher grasp.
Math Skills
When your children are working with the Play-Doh, and decorations take the time to discuss the shapes, colors, and number of decorations. You can also take the opportunity to introduce simple patterns.
Place a red decoration, then a green, then another red. Next, ask your child “what comes next?”. Challenge your older preschoolers to create patterns all on their own.
Use measurement words such as big, bigger, small, and smaller to allow your child the opportunity to develop skills in mathematical measurement.
Fine Motor Skills
As your child is pinching, smashing, rolling, and kneading the Play-Doh they are working multiple muscles in their fingers, and hands. Picking up the tiny decorations will also offer plenty of opportunities for new muscles to get practice.
This muscle development is critical in the development of your child’s fine motor skills. These are the skills that will allow them the ability to color, draw, and write.
Language Skills
Each word you speak to your child, each direction you give, and each question you answer is an opportunity to develop your child’s language skills. Using descriptive words as your child is completing the activity will give them the opportunity to add new and interesting words to their vocabulary.
Your child will also be developing receptive language skills as they listen and follow along with your directions.
Your children are sure to have an amazing time creating and crafting during this fun Christmas activity. The texture of the Play Doh, fun Christmas shapes, and novelty decorations will provide your children the perfect opportunity to play and learn.
Your children will be eager to show off their Christmas creations, and you will be delighting in the fact that they also had the opportunity to grow and develop many skills along the way.
Give your child the opportunity to play and learn by completing this activity today!
Don’t forget to let me know how it goes!
Two Jersey Moms, a pediatric occupational therapist & elementary school teacher, providing fun and simple activities to get your little ones learning through play.