If you’re trying to teach your toddlers or preschoolers their shapes, I have a great activity for them! This adorable winter penguin shape match game is so much fun for kids ages 18 months to 4!
Depending on your child or student’s developmental level, toddlers and preschoolers both love this activity. If you’re trying to teach your child to learn their shapes and colors or even if they’ve already mastered them, this will be a hit!
This activity is great for learning and matching shapes for the younger ones and it involves very little prep work on your part as well!
Simply print the free printable sheets (download them below), cut them out, and have your child get matching!
I love watching the young ones, like 2 and 3 year olds learning. It’s so amazing to see how their mind works by absorbing so much new knowledge every day!
What You’ll Need:
- Free Printable Shape Matching Cards (Download below)
- Card stock or laminator (optional)
- Velcro dots (optional)
What to Do:
This is a super simple activity that doesn’t involve many steps so I’ll spare you the step-by-step process, however here is what you’ll be doing:
- Download and print the free printable pages below. For the best quality and durability, print on card stock (65lb is sufficient) or laminate.
- Cut out the individual shape boxes from the last page.
- You can take this activity one step further by attaching velcro dots to each square and each shape. When your child matches it, they will have to make it adhere to the velcro.
- Cut out each penguin card. If you’re short on time, you can even skip this step and leave it as a whole sheet.
- Have your child match each shape to it’s corresponding penguin.
Related Post: Free Printable Winter Counting Cards
Skills That This Activity Addresses:
Your toddler or preschool will learn their shapes and how to match shapes that look the same.
Be sure to tell them the name of each shape as they go along and have them repeat the name after you.
I hope you and your child enjoyed this winter shape matching activity. I’m sure they at least loved the cute little penguin! Check out some more winter activities by browsing the site.
Related Post: Free Printable Winter Coloring and Dot Sheets
Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers Shop here to purchase the whole bundle of toddler and preschool winter printable activities!
Two Jersey Moms, a pediatric occupational therapist & elementary school teacher, providing fun and simple activities to get your little ones learning through play.