Watching your child succeed is what every parent desires. It’s a natural, deep-rooted want to see our little ones do the best in all aspects of their life, including education.
But most children simply don’t like to do that. They would rather spend the day playing than revise their lessons with a math tutor. And that’s not because “it’s their nature.”
According to research, all children are born with a burning passion to learn. Their curiosity is strongest up to the age of 7. However, by the age of 8 or 10, most kids experience a decline in their academic performance.
This is because of certain factors that we will be discussing in today’s article. So, if you’re a worried parent whose child doesn’t want to study, relax, and keep reading – your answer is right here.
- Growing Interests
As children grow, they gain exposure to a lot of different activities. From mobile games to painting, your kid will explore and develop new interests every day. You will find them spending hours doing something they enjoy. This means they will only be spending a little bit of time studying. While this is okay for young kids, older students need discipline to regulate their interests. You can help them by creating schedules, hiring a tutor, and reminding them of their long-term goals.
- Overwhelmed by Schoolwork
Most schools burden students with back-to-back tests, assignments, and piles of homework. Their traditional approach to increasing the child’s intellect with more work causes burnout and exhaustion.
Sometimes, your child may also get stuck in this situation if they have taken a long break from school because of sickness or vacation. If you find your child suddenly avoiding studies, procrastinating, or complaining about exhaustion, get involved. Discuss the matter and help them find ways to manage the workload with daily planners or to-do lists.
- Emotional Disturbance
A toxic environment at school or home can disturb your child emotionally. If people tease your child for poor academic performance, constantly compare them with high-achievers, or simply degrade them, your child can lose motivation to study.
It’s your duty, as a parent, to ensure a positive learning environment at both school and home. Study with your child, appreciate them for good results, and talk to the school authorities if someone is bullying your child.
- Repetition & Monotony
Some kids don’t like to study because studying does not satisfy their desire to learn more. Either they are being forced to learn the same thing repetitively, or the teaching style of the tutor is boring and monotonous. You can help your child by finding new creative ways to study. For example, you can introduce them to educational games and platforms like Khan Academy.
- Medical Conditions
If your child demonstrates no interest in studying at all, has trouble reading/writing the most basic things, or has poor memory from an early age, it’s best to seek professional help. Every 1 in 5 children has learning disabilities in the US. This includes ADHD, dyslexia, and more.
Last Words
Studying is indeed an important part of your child’s life. But don’t forget that it is not the only part. Your child should get time to play and pursue other interests, too. So, focus on creating a balance, and your child will automatically start performing well!
Two Jersey Moms, a pediatric occupational therapist & elementary school teacher, providing fun and simple activities to get your little ones learning through play.