Are you struggling to come up with fun ways to teach your preschooler(s) the letter A? Learning the alphabet is the most basic level of learning to read, yet probably the most important!
Just like anything you do with little ones, you want to make sure you have the best resources in order to teach them.
What can you do with the letter A
There are lots of things that you can do with the letter A. Arts and crafts, fun games, worksheets! The possibilities are nearly endless.
How do you teach Letter A?
Teaching the letter A is so exciting because it is most likely one of the first letters you are going to teach! So, what is the best way to teach the letter A?
Learning should be fun, and in my opinion the best way to teach the letter A is with lots of fun activities and repetition. Here is how I usually teach the letter A to my littles.
- Write out an upper and lowercase A
- Go over the sounds a makes and give them examples using different words
- Have them identify the letter A in their name or yours
- Play games and utilize worksheets
- As you are reading or walking along, have them point out the letter A anytime they see it
Why do you need to know the best ways to teach the letter A?
You should know the best ways to teach the letter A because knowledge is power! Little ones are sponges, and making sure that you are teaching letters in the best way is so important for their development.
Having a clear and concise way to teach letters is a great idea because you are quite literally laying the foundation for them to be able to read and write. Knowing the best ways to help teach littles is always a good idea.
The difference between natural exposure to letters and focused teaching
Natural exposure is having a print-rich environment for your little one to see and ask questions. Focused teaching is great to use if your child has been showing signs of being ready to learn the alphabet.
If you are wanting to increase the impact of natural exposure, adding print-rich items to your home is a great way to start. Things like signs and having books in your home allows children to see and identify letters they are seeing repeatedly.
How do you know if your child is ready for Letter A activities?
It is very important to know when your child is ready for letter activities. Starting too early can cause frustration and discouragement while starting too late can put your child behind.
- They ask about words in books
- They try to identify different objects in their life
- They are curious about their own name
Tips & Tricks for Teaching Letters and Sounds
Engage all your child’s senses
I was once told that kids learn with their whole body and I believe this is true! Engaging all of your child’s senses to learn is so important because it keeps them interested, but also helps them to store that information in their long term memory.
Use lots of Tools
Having lots of tools in your arsenal is important for helping diversify the way you teach your little ones. Incorporating tools into you home doesn’t have to be expensive at all, here are some of my favorites:
I love these alphabet cookie cutters! You can use these with cookies, play dough, tracing.. they are very versatile! Cook up some letter A’s for your little one to snack on!
2. Play Dough
Play dough is so versatile and great for making letter shapes. An added bonus is that play dough is great for helping strengthen little hands. Strong hands are what we want when they get to writing a lot and using those motor skills.
You can use the play dough to form the letter A , and then challenge your little one to do the same!
3. Crayons/Makers/Colored Pencils
I love having a variety of colored pencils, markers and crayons on hand at all times. This set off of Amazon is amazing and comes with all 3! Having different colors for littles to use is a must when wanting to keep their attention for a specific amount of time.
Have your preschooler color the letter A, trace the letter A, or write the letter A with these different mediums.
I ALWAYS have construction paper on hand and in my opinion, it is an absolute necessity! You can do lots of activities with construction paper when it comes to learning letters.
5. Pipe Cleaners:
Much like construction paper, pipe cleaners are an essential teaching item. Pipe cleaners are an amazing quiet time activity, and you can do so many things with them!
One of my favorites is using pipe cleaners to form the letter A!
Incorporate Arts & Crafts
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, learning should be fun! Even as an adult, if I am learning something and having fun I am way more likely to retain it better.
Incorporating arts and crafts into learning is an absolute must! Keep reading for some fun ideas!
Use Puzzles
Puzzles are a great way to teach letters. Puzzles are a wonderful tool to have because they are geared to get kiddos brains working and learning. Here are some of my favorite
These letter puzzles are adorable and functional. I love that they have words that start with that specific letter on them, which is great for identification purposes.
7. Fun To Know Alphabet Puzzle
I love this puzzle set! I like that it has both the upper and lower case letter and then a corresponding word on the back with a picture.
These self-correcting puzzles are great because they double as a quiet time activity. I love that none of the pieces match up except for the half they belong with.
In my house, we love magnetic letters. I love that these come in a sorting case so even during clean up time, your little one can learn to identify letters.
This foam letter puzzle is absolutely amazing for learning letters. It has upper and lower case letters along with a piece with something to represent that letter!
Take Learning Out of the Box
11. Eating the alphabet: Have your littles come up with a handful of foods that start with the letter A and see how many you can eat in a day!
12. Letter sort on sticky notes: Write upper and lower case A’s on sticky notes and have your little one sort them. For a bonus you can add in letters that look similar to A like an upper case V or lower case o to test their skills.
13. Write the letter A with nature: Go outside and have your little one collect items like leaves, rocks, flowers. Then have them make upper and lower case A with the items they collected.
14. Teach the letter A in sign language: The alphabet is pretty simple to learn in sign language. Teaching the letter A in sign language to your child is a great way to get them learning and making connections.
15. Names: Write down the names of people you know like family members and friends. Have your little one circle the lower case a’s with one color and the upper case A’s with another. Explain why one starts with a capital and one does not.
Make it a Game
Playful learning is my favorite because my kids seem to be engaged for longer. Keep reading for more ideas below!
Choose fun Technology
I definitely think apps have a time and place. By no means do I think kids should constantly be on their devices, but apps can be very useful and interactive. Here are my favorites:
16. Homer: I really love the Homer app! It is interactive for children 2-8 and grows with them which I love.
17. AlphaTots Alphabet: This app is very interactive and contains lots of mini games, sing a longs, puzzles and more!
18. LingoKids: LingoKids is great because it grows with your little ones from ages 2-8. There are hundreds of games, activities and songs.
19. StarFall ABC’s: This app helps teach children the alphabet and establish a good foundation to build on for reading in later years.
20. ABC Kids: I love that this app helps to teach little ones to write letters. This helps to teach hand-eye coordination when writing.
Teach with Books
My kiddos love books and I think anything to encourage the love of books is a great idea! I have used books to teach many things including letters.
21. I Spy Letters
I don’t know about you, but I Spy is very nostalgic for me! I love that this book is letter specific and you can ask them to find specific letters (Like the letter A), only upper case, only lower case, whatever you prefer!
22. A Little Spot Learns Letters
I think this book is adorable and I love that it turns learning phonograms and sounds into a cute story.
23. Meet the Phonics-Letter Sounds
In this set there are 26 books, one for each letter. I love that each letter has its own book, making it easier to focus on teaching one thing at a time.
This workbook has 320 pages to help keep your little one engaged and learning. All of the activities help to lay a solid foundation for reading later on.
At this point, I thing I could recite this book word for word without reading it! HA! I love this book for teaching the alphabet, it is so interactive and fun.
Utilize Interactive Worksheets
Interactive worksheets are the easiest and probably most diverse way to teach letters to little ones. Worksheets are great for at home or on the go. Many worksheets are listed below!
Simple Letter A Activities
26. Bending Pipe Cleaners: Take a few pipe cleaners and have your little one bend them into the shape of upper and lower case A’s.
27. Letter hunt: Grab a magazine and have your little one hunt for the letter A! They can use a marker or pen to circle the ones they find.
28. Write letters in shaving cream: This one is a classic, but for good reason! I really love the idea behind this activity. Take shaving cream, spray on a flat surface and have your little use their finger to write upper and lower case A’s.
29. Letter Beans: Write the alphabet on white beans, make sure to write lots of upper and lower case A’s. Then, have your little one hunt for the Aa pairs!
30. What can you make with the letter A?: Draw a large upper case and lower case A and see what they can draw with it! Maybe they can make an alligator with teeth or a person, let them use their imagination.
Gross Motor Activities for Letter A
31. Scavenger Hunt: This activity is great for inside or out! Have your little one go around identifying items that start with A!
32. Musical letters: Write a bunch of lower and upper case A’s on the drive way or side walk, then write more random letters to fill in the gaps. When the music stops your little one has to find a letter A to stand on!
33. Squirt bottle Letters: Take a squirt bottle and have your little one write the letter A on the side walk with the squirt bottle. If it is winter time where you are, you can use dye in your squirt bottle to use in the snow.
34. Chalk: Coloring letters with chalk is so much fun and a great way to get kiddos outdoors. You can also have them draw things that start with the letter A.
35. Letter A hunt: Put those left over easter eggs to use. Write the letter A (upper and lowercase) on the outside of the egg and then hide them for your little to hunt!
Arts & Crafts with the Letter A
36. A is for Anchor
I am a sucker for foot/hand print crafts and my little ones love them too. You don’t have to be a spectacular artist to draw the beginning part of the anchor either!
37. A is for Apple
I love this little DIY apple from the Fun A Day blog! So cute and something to cherish forever.
This popsicle stick craft is adorable and so fun. You can have your little one use markers on the popsicle sticks if you would rather do that then paint.
Every good letter A learning experience needs an alligator craft. My kids have gone nuts for alligator crafts of any sort. I think they like the teeth, but regardless it keeps them entertained and learning.
This craft is perfect for your little astronaut. I love that the A doubles as the letter and the astronauts body, so fun!
Unique Letter A Games & Activities
41. Draw with Me
Draw with me is a unique book for your little artist. They use letters of the alphabet to draw something that starts with the corresponding letter. How fun!
This is an online game that is so fun for littles. You get the little character to splat paint everywhere until you find the letter A, then you collect the letter for points.
43. Confusing Lower Case Letter Hopper
Letter Hopper is a fun game that helps kiddos identify lower case letters that can be confusing, like lowercase letter a.
44. Match the Big A and Little a
Being able to match the letters is an important skill and this online game is great for helping to develop that skill!
45. Make Your Own Alpha Poster
This online paint game is perfect for when you don’t feel like cleaning up a big mess!
On the Go Letter Activities for Letter A
46. Dry Erase Book
A dry erase book is perfect for on the go learning. This is great for in the car, Dr’s office’s, or even restaraunts.
47. Letter Stickers
Stickers have been used to keep my kids entertained for HOURS. You can have your little one make a picture with A stickers. This sticker book has 1,500 stickers!
This Sesame Street letter book is great for when you are on the go! You can make simple words on the bottom and have your little identify a long or short a sound.
I love that this Coogam wooden letters tool allows little ones to begin tracing upper and lower case letters. This is great activity on the go because it is mess free!
50. Scratch Art
Do you remember scratch art?! I used to love these things and this is learning with a twist!
No Prep Activities for Letter A
51. Writing letters on a white board: Grab a white board, I like this one from Amazon, but anything you have on hand will work. Have your little write upper and lower case A’s. Help them get started if needed.
52. Draw: Have your little one draw things that start with the letter A. If they need help, give a few examples and watch them soar!
53. Long A vs Short A: Start discussing long A vs. short A, then list out long and short A words. When you are done, have your little one use different colors to identify the words based on their sound.
54. Water Color Paint: Use some food dye to color water ( you can do multiple cups) and then use a paint brush or q-tip to write out the letter A.
55. Secret Letters: This activity by Busy Toddler is a wonderful one to teach letters and adds a level of mystery to keep interest! You just need a few supplies to create a fun activity for your little ones!
Letter A Printable Activities
This activity is great for fine motor skills! Grab some q-tips and different colored pain, then have your little one dot to trace the A!
I love that this worksheet has a little of tracing and a little bit of coloring. I also love that it has littles identifying upper and lowercase A’s.
Tracing worksheets are a classic learning tool, but very necessary for repetition.
59.Interactive Alphabet Worksheet
I really like that this worksheet has multiple different activities to keep your little engaged and learning.
60. A is For…
I love this worksheet because it give multiple things that start with the letter A. Things like this get your child’s wheels turning and looking for more things that start with A.
This worksheet is simple and perfect for a quick activity!
62. Practice tracing the letter A
I love that this worksheet starts out teaching your little one the basics of writing an a before putting all the pieces together.
63. Color the A’s
It is an important skill to be able to tell uppercase and lowercase A’s apart. This worksheet instructs your little to color the upper and lower case letters a different color, which aids in perfecting that skill.
64. Tracing Letters
I love that this worksheet has your little one thinking about what object starts with the letter A. This task helps to get their wheels turning and identifying other things that start with the letter A.
65. Anchor
Connect the dot worksheets were my favorite as a kid and I love the simplicity of this one!
Learning letters is an exciting time for little ones, so be sure to make it fun! When you make learning fun and rewarding you will see your littles stiving to learn and do more!
What are your favorite letter learning activities? Let me know in the comments below!
Two Jersey Moms, a pediatric occupational therapist & elementary school teacher, providing fun and simple activities to get your little ones learning through play.