I don’t know about yours, but since my kids were about 1 year old, they were obsessed with Easter eggs. They would have Easter egg hunts all year round in the house and use them for a variety of imaginary purposes.
There is a multitude of activities that you can do with Easter eggs and this is one simple alphabet-learning activity that I love.
This is a great Easter or spring activity for preschool through kindergarten-aged children who are just learning their letters.
Using Easter eggs to play a letter match game will help your child learn their uppercase and lowercase letters while having fun with their favorite toy.
Related Post: Easter Activities for Toddlers
Why is letter recognition important?
Research has shown that learning letters and playing with letters often leads to an interest in their sounds, and reading!
Related Post: 12 Fun Activities to Teach Letter Recognition
This Easter Egg Letter Match Activity is seriously the easiest low-prep, no-mess Easter egg activity for preschoolers!
Materials Needed
- Permanent Marker
How to Play
Simply use a permanent marker to write an uppercase letter on one side of an egg and a lowercase letter on another side of the egg.
Keep the eggs separated and have your child match each lowercase letter to the uppercase letter. Easy Peasy!
How to Vary the Activity
To take this game a step further, ask your child what letter the sound makes as they match it together.
You can also make this activity easier to find the match by keeping both letters on the same color egg (easier). This way if they find one letter on a blue egg, they will know to look for another blue egg to find its match.
To make it harder, use different colors for each letter so they can’t just look for colors to match.
For some added fun, have them add a special treat or object into the egg as they close it.
I hope you enjoy this Easter egg letter-matching activity just as much as my kids did! Happy Easter!
Looking for more fun Easter Activities? Try this fun Easter Activity Pack, available in my shop for just $3.50!
Two Jersey Moms, a pediatric occupational therapist & elementary school teacher, providing fun and simple activities to get your little ones learning through play.