Food and Nutrition Activities for Preschoolers

Food and Nutrition is a very important topic for everyone to learn! In our Food and Nutrition Activities for preschoolers we will help you make this important lesson fun and educational. Teaching our kids how to make healthy choices can create an overall healthy...

17 Best Toys for Learning Letters: Early Learning Toys

17 Best Toys for Learning Letters: Early Learning Toys

Kids learn faster when they have fun, and most parents want their children to have interactive toys for learning letters. Not all alphabet learning toys are equal. Honestly, some won't teach your child anything. That's why you need to pick the right ones. It's...

How Much Does Speech Therapy Cost for Toddlers/Preschoolers?

How Much Does Speech Therapy Cost for Toddlers/Preschoolers?

You might find yourself here if your toddler or preschooler is needing speech therapy or if you are considering speech therapy for your little one. I won't lie and tell you that speech therapy is cheap because it can be expensive. There are a lot of factors that go...

35 Creative Ways to Encourage Your Preschooler to Read

35 Creative Ways to Encourage Your Preschooler to Read

Have you ever met a friend whose kids love reading? And have you ever felt that your kids should love books more, but you don't know how? Don't worry, we all feel that! Most of the parents are so busy in their lives and hectic routines that they don't get enough time...

Delayed Speech In Twins – What You Need To Know

Delayed Speech In Twins – What You Need To Know

I can't tell you how many times that I Google searched milestones for my kiddos in the early weeks, months and years. Speech is something that a lot of parents worry about and for valid reasons. Statistically twins develop their speech at a slower pace than...

How To Know If Your Child Is A Late Talker

How To Know If Your Child Is A Late Talker

Speech is something that a lot of parents are worried about. When will my child talk? Are they hitting their talking milestones appropriately? A lot of parents have questions and fears about speech and I am here to help answer those questions and hopefully give you...

Easy & Educational Flower Activities for Preschool

Easy & Educational Flower Activities for Preschool

Spring has *almost* sprung, and it is time to start planning easy and educational flower activities for preschoolers. I love planning springtime activities because on good weather days, you can do them outside! How do you teach preschoolers about flowers? Teaching...

37 + Fun & Educational Nature Activities for Preschoolers

37 + Fun & Educational Nature Activities for Preschoolers

Spring is almost here and it's time to start planning fun and educational nature activities for preschoolers! The great outdoors is a wonderful place for preschoolers to learn. Playing outside encourages motor development, encourages healthy vitamin d levels and so...

Speech Regression: What Concerned Parents Should Know

Speech Regression: What Concerned Parents Should Know

Have you noticed your child's speech isn't the same lately? Are they babbling more or speaking in a simpler form than a few weeks ago? Your child may have a speech regression. Seeing your child regress in any skill is frustrating and worrisome. You may wonder if this...

7 Ways to Help your Toddler Learn English

7 Ways to Help your Toddler Learn English

Helping your toddler learn English can be a daunting task. Yes, even if you have done it before. You could be making progress today, but wake up the next day and feel like you are back to square one. But do you quit? No, that’s never an option. You soldier on and try...

Thankful Turkey Thanksgiving Activity

Thankful Turkey Thanksgiving Activity

With the holidays rolling around, I’m getting super excited to do so many festive activities with my daughter, especially this thankful turkey activity! Now that she’s two, she has so much more awareness and understanding of what’s going on and I can’t wait to have...

12 Fun Activities to Teach Letter Recognition

12 Fun Activities to Teach Letter Recognition

Learning letters is one of the key goals kids work on throughout preschool and kindergarten. At this age, you want to teach letter recognition as a precursor to reading, which typically begins between kindergarten and 1st grade. Understanding that letters make sounds...

How to Teach About Feelings in Fun & Easy Ways

How to Teach About Feelings in Fun & Easy Ways

As children start to be more independent and opinionated, they start to feel emotions on a larger scale. Teaching children about their own and others' feelings may seem daunting, but these activities will help make it simple, fun, and easy. How do children learn about...

Letter A Printables and Activities for Preschoolers

Letter A Printables and Activities for Preschoolers

Are you struggling to come up with fun ways to teach your preschooler(s) the letter A? Learning the alphabet is the most basic level of learning to read, yet probably the most important! Just like anything you do with little ones, you want to make sure you have the...

Perfect Board Games for 2 Year Olds

Perfect Board Games for 2 Year Olds

Are you looking for board games for 2 year olds that are fun and yet still educational? Finding the right board games for your tiny family member is so important. Around 2 years old your little one finally possesses the most basic skills needed for epic game night...

12 Sight Word Bingo Printables for Your New Reader

12 Sight Word Bingo Printables for Your New Reader

As your child learns how to read, figuring out sight words is a big part of that. Learning how to read from phonics is often recommended, but many kids find sight words easier, and if your child needs some help, try downloading a free sight word bingo printables....

How to Teach Sign Language To Your Baby

How to Teach Sign Language To Your Baby

Every parent awaits the day their baby calls them mom or dad. Perhaps, the first time your baby refers to you may not be through words, but through sign language.  Babies communicate since the day they were born. They smile, frown, giggle, cry, scream, kick, and...

Beginning Sounds Worksheets – Free Printable for Preschool

Beginning Sounds Worksheets – Free Printable for Preschool

Most preschoolers are ready to start learning letters and the sounds that they make by the time they are 3 years old. They will learn to develop phonemic awareness (listening for a sound in a word) and have an understanding of phonics (associating a letter with that...