It's amazing how quickly a baby transitions from being completely dependent on their caregivers to learning how to do things independently. Before you know it, your baby will be ready to attempt drinking from a cup on their own. Babies have an innate drive to gain...
11 Activities to Practice Pincer Grasp with Your Baby
A baby will go through many different developmental stages as they grow and develop new skills. One of the milestones that you will see emerge is their use of pincer grasp, a basic fine motor skill. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles in the hands and fingers,...
16 Scissor Skill Printables for Preschoolers
Preschoolers love to use scissors and practice this new skill. Learning how to use scissors and cut takes a lot of time, and parents can offer scissor skill printables to help give their kids plenty of practice. My kids love using scissors, and I've found that if you...
Teach Scissor Skills by Cutting Play-Doh
Using scissors is a skill that preschoolers need to know, and one of the best ways to practice this is by cutting Play-Doh with your toddler. If your toddlers are like mine, anytime I bring out Play-Doh or make a batch of homemade playdough, they go crazy. They spend...
The Best Play-Doh Sets for Girls and Boys
Play-Doh is a favorite activity in my house, not only for my kiddos but for me too! With my first, I was scared of the potential mess and waited a while to introduce PlayDoh. While there are pros and cons to playdoh, it is an amazing toy to have that helps your little...
15 Best Educational Toys for 9-12-Month-Olds to Maximize Stimulation and Development
At this age, babies are so curious about the world around them. They will be opening doors, drawers, boxes, toilet lids, garbage cans, etc. You name it, they will be into it! Their exploration has reached an all-time high as they are understanding and making sense of...
17 Sensory Board DIY Ideas for Busy Babies and Toddlers
You baby has been busy exploring the world around him for some time now. Since the moment he could open his eyes and take his first breath, he was taking in everything through his senses. From seeing and hearing to feeling and tasting, they are loving the new...
Teaching Baby to Point to Develop Early Language Skills
You may not even realize it, but teaching your baby to point is a developmental milestone that goes right along with waving bye-bye and other gestures. Your baby starts communicating before they ever even say a single word. This means all those cute little hand...
Clothespin Letter Match Preschool Activity
I am always on the hunt for fun ways to add a little bit of learning to my daily activities with my kids. With winter still holding strong for at least another month or so it is important to find things, we can do inside. This clothespin letter match activity is...
Free Printable Winter Cutting Strips for Preschool
The cool weather is now bringing time for us to settle in and do some fun indoor activities. In particular, we can get our children learning new concepts and skills using the FREE PRINTABLES that I've been offering all season long! Exposure is key when it comes to...
Winter Color and Write Free Printables
Since there's not much outside play going on in the middle of winter, I'm sure that parents and teachers need all the printable activities they can get their hands on! These FREE printable winter coloring sheets are perfect for young toddlers through preschoolers....
Christmas Dot Activities Free Printable
The holiday season is finally upon us and we've already begun counting down the days until Christmas. From Elf on the Shelf to advent calendars and driving around to see lights, we already have so many built in family Christmas traditions. However, there is plenty of...
Christmas Play-Doh Fun With Cookie Cutters
Christmas is in the air, and your little ones are likely bursting with excitement. The Christmas season is a magical time for all ages, but there is something even more magical about a Christmas with little ones. If your kids are anything like mine, it is likely that...
Christmas Tissue Paper Wreathe Fine Motor Activity
Toddlers and preschoolers alike will delight in this fun Christmas craft. There is just something about tissue paper that excites children of all ages. My kids particularly love the bright, vibrant colors and the texture of squishing it between their fingers, which...
Feed the Turkey Thanksgiving Toddler Activity
Like it or not the holidays are approaching! When I think of Thanksgiving I think of the smell of delicious foods, spending time with loved ones around the table, and of course eating some turkey! For your littles, Thanksgiving is an exciting holiday, full of...
Turkey Counting Feathers Activity Free Printable
Fall is now in full force and we're heading toward the Thanksgiving holiday. Time to get your little one doing all the turkey activities that you've been saving until now! This simple counting activity teaches toddlers, preschoolers, and Kindergarteners one-to-one...
Winter Fine Motor and Coloring Sheets for Toddlers – Free Printable
This time of year is so much fun to give your little one plenty of new sensory and learning experiences. They’ve just come off the high of summer, soaking in the sun, splashing in the pool, and spending hours at the park. Now that the weather is cooling down, they’ll...
Christmas Sticker Toddler Fine Motor Activity
With 1 year olds, you definitely don't need to overcomplicate things. They can't follow more than a 1 step direction so aim for simple and easy to follow activities. Stickers are a great way to work on your child's fine motor skills (using the small...
Christmas Bow Wall Stick Activity
This Christmas bow wall stick activity is super simple and will keep your toddler busy for some time (in toddler world, a few minutes is a lot of time!). It's a festive way for your child to play with items that they usually don't get to play with. You can...
Christmas Pom Pom Push for Babies and Toddlers
The Christmas pompom push activity is a festive fine motor task for the holiday season. It requires a little bit of set up, but uses items you should have around the house. It only requires them to follow 1 step directions so it's great for younger toddlers and...
Candy Corn Tissue Paper Toddler Fine Motor Activity
With fall in full swing, it's time to break out all the fall activities for your little one. It's so fun to introduce your toddler to the new sights and sounds as seasons change. With the fall comes cooler weather, colorful leaves, and lots of fun things to find on...